Tuesday, May 09, 2006

ADB meets up in Hyderabad

If there was any proof needed that Hyderabad had arrived on the international map, the ADB meet confirmed it The Annual meeting of the Board of Governors of the Asian Development Bank (ADB) was held at the spanking new International Convention Centre at Madhapur on the outskirts of Hyderabad.

The city was swamped with over 3000 delegates, commandeering any vehicle that moved, or any hotel room that was worthy of a stay. Speeches, Presentations, Dinners, Press Conferences were aplenty. There were the usual rounds of protests from organisations like Greenpeace. In the end everyone went back home happy, notwithstanding the 40 degree heat which they had to endure for over fours days. The tab of Rs.45 crore was picked bill for the Indian government, which is reasonable considering that ADB will dole about $ 2 billion into the coffers of the central and state governments in our country.

Who said jamborees were a waste of time ? Not me.

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