Wednesday, April 05, 2006

Dubai Internet City moves its project from Kerala to Hyderabad

After the $ 3 billion SemIndia project, Hyderabad has notched up another major IT investment. Dubai Internet City which had firmed up plans to set up Smart city in Kochi has decided to move lock, stock and barrel to Hyderabad.

Dubai Internet City will now develop the project in Hyderabad in collaboration with the Hyderabad Urban Development Authority. The project will include IT parks, residential accommodation and other requisite facilities. The shift of the project is a major blow for the Congress led UDF Kerala government headed by Oomen Chandy. If it had succeeded, the project would have been the biggest IT related investment in God’s own country.

But as is the wont, bickerings began the moment the deal was finalised, and opposition leader, VS Achutanandan threatened to jail the promoters of the project, once LDF comes into power. Now, that would scare the hell out of anyone putting their money into a long gestation project. But as they say, one man’s loss is another man’s gain.

And Hyderabad has once again snatched a major project from another state. Ala Microsoft and SemIndia.

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